Cookie created a mouthwatering blend of live-action and animation, creating a visual feast to inspire kids to become ‘Climate Champions.’ This flavorful collage plated up real-world adventures and animated wonders, urging young minds to savor the magic of nature while becoming stewards of the environment.
From casting to animation, each ingredient was carefully chosen to ignite curiosity and passion, leaving kids hungry for more knowledge about our planet and eager to make a difference.
In this culinary creation, Cookie served up a recipe for a greener, more sustainable future, one where every child can be a hero in the fight against climate change.
Making Of
Cartoon Network
Direction & Production
Cookie Studio
Creative Director
Thiago Maia
Josephine Brown
Rodolfo Guarnieri Batista
Esther Lalanne
Fred Par, Silvia Villar, Gustavo Radelsburger, Renzo Vasquez, Edu Armbrust, Mandu Da Silva Jr & Paticio Plaza
Live Action
Cookie Studio & Blood Films